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Managing Work Stress
Home » Managing Work Stress

Managing Work Stress

Post by katie   /  

Work stress exists in every job in one form or another. In some ways, the stress of the job is what you’re being compensated for — however that doesn’t mean it’s good or healthy. So how do you cope with work stress without quitting your job and hiking into the mountains to live off the land?

There are answers to living with and managing stress.

Understand the Source

Work stress is born from a wide variety of sources but can be distilled into a few categories.

Financial stress exists at work and is easily carried over to your home life. It comes from low-paying jobs or jobs with excessive workloads that don’t compensate for those workloads.

Interpersonal stress comes from having conflicts or miscommunications with your team. This can also appear in the form of a lack of social support, conflicting demands, or unclear expectations for your performance.

There’s also structural stress. Structural stressors come from a lack of control over your work situation. These can include lacking opportunities for advancement or growth, lack of engaging work, or not having control over job decisions.

If you’re feeling stressed at work and unsure what is causing it, there are ways to determine the source. One of the most successful methods is keeping a stressor journal. When you start to feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable, write down what you’re feeling, what time it is, and what you’re working on at the moment. Once you’ve done this for a couple of days, or even a couple of weeks, and label the stressor in each situation. By keeping a journal, you can identify the source of the stress and incorporate coping methods into your routine before facing these situations.

Establish Boundaries

Creating healthy boundaries regarding work can help prevent you from carrying work stress home. Maybe you need not check email after you finish work or put your phone on Do Not Disturb for certain hours, so you are unreachable to your colleagues. With the rise of work from home jobs, more and more people find themselves pressed into service in off-hours. Establishing healthy routines and boundaries can help you take the necessary time to recharge and relax.

If you find that setting boundaries isn’t working or applicable, speaking to your supervisor or seeking help from trusted colleagues can help you manage that. Explain that the work stress has become too much and that you need assistance in managing it.

Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Relying on unhealthy foods, alcohol, or hours of Netflix to unwind can leave to habits that impact your long-term health and wellness. Instead, incorporating healthy routines that allow you to cope productively can reduce your stress after work and help reduce carryover stress when you go back.

For example, if you like to indulge in decadent foods to destress, why not make it a post-work routine to make yourself a rich and healthy meal? To level up your meal game, you could even try incorporating beneficial additives, like CBD.

Or, if you’re in the habit of having a beer with dinner, replace it with a smoothie or milkshake packed full of nutrients. You could even add some CBD to it to enjoy the bonus effects of the cannabinoid. If you miss the psychoactive effects of the alcohol but don’t want the extra calories, why not experiment with CanRelieve’s Delta 8 products?

How to Use CBD?

CBD is a hemp-derived compound that interacts with our endocannabinoid system to help our bodies reach homeostasis. Some individuals have used CBD tinctures before or after work to help them manage. While using CBD oil, remember that your body needs time to adjust to its use. We recommend using it for a period of 2 to 4 weeks and tracking your response to the dosage. Each person responds a little differently to the product, and we all need a certain amount of CBD circulating in your body before you see a difference.

Why CBD?

CBD is easy to use, and anecdotal evidence suggests that it’s effective. You can apply CBD products topically, place a few drops of CBD oil under your tongue, or even add it to your food and drink. There are also many drawbacks of other stress-relieving methods like consuming alcohol. When you use alcohol to help you cope with your stress, you risk feeling depressed the next day. You don’t have to be worried about being incapacitated because CBD is non-psychoactive.

The CanRelieve Difference

CanRelieve believes in providing only the highest-quality CBD products. If you’re looking to shop for the best in CBD, check out our products. We believe in what we’re doing, and so we have every one of our products tested by an independent third-party lab. We also make our lab reports available online for all our customers to view.

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